Again, Teamgate is a Category Leader on Top 25 CRM Apps Chart by GetApp

Teamgate CRM team is excited to share some more great news with our community!

The leading Premium business app discovery platform announced Teamgate as #4 in Q4 2016 rankings of the best CRM applications on the market!

GetApp’s researcher Suzie Blaszkiewicz highlights that:

‘Teamgate has been a staple in the top 5 of GetApp’s Category Leader ranking for CRM since Q1 2016. Coming in at #4 this quarter with a total score of 73, Teamgate showcases its strength when it comes to security and reviews, scoring an impressive 18 points for its security protocols and a 17 for its user reviews, with an average rating of 4.82/5 stars. An additional 15 points for its media presence and 14 for its mobile apps ensures that Teamgate remains strong in GetApp’s ranking quarter after quarter.’

GetRank is GetApp’s quarterly ranking of the top 25 CRM apps based in the cloud. Each app is scored using five criteria, each worth 20 points, for a total possible score out of 100: User Reviews, Integrations, Mobile Apps availability,  Media Presence and Security.

On July 1 of 2015 GetApp was acquired by Gartner Inc.  (NYSE: IT)

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GetApp CRM Category Leaders Ranking - Top10

Related: GetApp announced Teamgate as #2 of the top 25 CRM apps and Teamgate has Earned #1 Spot on Capterra new Top 20 Most User Friendly CRM Software list

The Ranking

GetApp’s Category Leader rankings highlight the top 25 cloud-based business applications for every essential business operation, from CRM to HR and marketing. The ranking uses five unique data points to assess apps, giving software buyers a shortlist of some of the top cloud-based solutions for their growing business.

The five data points used to rank each app are:

User reviews– The score for user reviews is calculated using a Bayesian estimate, which is a weighted average that includes the number of reviews and the rating of an app, benchmarked against other apps in the category.

Integrations– based on the number of integrations with other apps listed on GetApp.

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Mobile Platforms– based on the availability of an Android and iOS app and its rating in Google Play and the App Store, respectively.

Media Presence– based on the number of followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook, respectively.

Security– based on a security survey developed by GetApp in collaboration with Microsoft, modeled on the Cloud Security Alliance self-assessment form.

With a maximum high score of 100 up for grabs, each data point is scored out of 20 and weighted equally. If two or more apps have the same score, higher security scores take precedence, followed by reviews, integrations, mobile, and media scores.

This scoring system ensures that the ranking is completely independent of any commercial relationship that GetApp has with software vendors. High user opinion, the ability to function well with other software solutions, availability on mobile, a strong online presence, and a high level of security reflect applications that are reliable and well-respected in the market.

Using this list as a point of reference, software buyers and small business owners can get a good sense of the market landscape for whichever software they are looking for.

For a full report on GetRank check out the information on GetApp, while pressing on the picture:

GetApp CRM Category Leaders Rankings 2016 Q4


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.