It is not a secret that the modern day logistics is dealing with very complicated business management processes. Logistics companies need to analyze the information about thousands of clients around the world and effectively manage the routes that...
Author - Abe Dearmer
Šiuolaikinė logistika pasižymi itin komplikuotais verslo valdymo procesais. Logistikos įmonėms būtina analizuoti informaciją apie tūkstančius klientų iš viso pasaulio ir efektyviai valdyti maršrutus, nusidriekiančius per kelis žemynus. Kaip rasti...
When working with sales, it is important that you not only provide customers with products that are needed by the client but to also promote your business as well. Promoting your business will allow customers to know who you are and what your...
It is necessary for every business to develop a sales pipeline because the contribution of an efficient sales pipeline towards the revenue is undeniable. Developing a good sales pipeline holds importance, but managing the performance of that sales...
CRM Technology Isn’t Just for Major Corporations. Customer relationships used to be handled with post-it notes and cork boards. Now, as with most things, there is a piece of technology that has improved the process. Customer Relationship Management...
Back in the 90s, Enterprise-to-Enterprise business solutions were pretty much the only way for large businesses to get things done. It was a zero-sum game whose players were known to a T-Sun Microsystems, Oracle, SAP and the likes. These corporate...
Kiekvienoje industrijoje, pardavimų ciklas – laikas, per kurį šaltasis kontaktas paverčiamas klientu – skiriasi. Vis tik, ekspertų nuomone, smulkaus verslo atveju, trumpesnis pardavimų ciklas – efektyvesnis pardavimų ciklas. Gebėjimas sutrumpinti...
The engagement of a prospect is very important if a software business is set to earn considerable revenue. One of the compelling ways to attract a customer towards your services is to write a proposal that is convincing as well as straight forward...
Visai neseniai rašėme kad nors, be abejonės, darbuotojai – didžiausias kiekvienos įmonės turtas, tačiau praktika rodo, jog šiandien bendrovės vis dažniau susiduria su personalo paieškos ir valdymo iššūkiais. O pasamdytas, atrodo, tinkamas, gerus...