Did Santa Leave a CRM app?

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Being the customer of a business using CRM is a rewarding experience. Leads are well nurtured, the business knows its customers well, targeted marketing campaigns are customer-centric and each deal is closely followed to fruition through each step of the sales pipeline.

But CRM can also make an excellent gift for a business as well. If you’re in the market for a special gift, a CRM app might be the perfect choice.

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It Shows That You Care Deeply


CRM emphasizes knowing customers well. Likewise, a great gift is about truly knowing your friends.

Running a business is an exciting but also exhausting endeavor. We all have a business-owning friend or relative who’s constantly buried in repetitive paperwork and boxes of old receipts. Gifting someone a CRM shows that you are keenly aware of the challenges that business-owners undertake.

By giving someone the ability to automate sales and marketing, you are effectively freeing up some of the time they usually spend on repetitive tasks to now spend with the people they care about.

It Reflects Entrepreneurship

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What makes personal gift personal is having a bit of both the giver and the gifted. Many friendships and relationships are based on shared interests—business and entrepreneurship in this case. If you gift a CRM, you are very likely to be the first contact they add which will cement your place as the first lead/customer/deal. Heartwarming isn’t it?

Surprise! (But professional)

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The professional gift is a tricky business—no puns intended. Fountain pens, paperweights and stationery are old and very underwhelming ideas. On the other hand, A CRM gift is a very fresh and original take on the modern dilemma of the professional gift that marries utility, professionalism and care.

It’s Good PR

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When Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson was suspended after a “food catering” disagreement, Snickers sent him a box of free chocolate bars. The move garnered Snickers significant media attention and was widely praised by marketers and customers alike.

A similar move by your business will prove your commitment to true customer support: Your customers and those of your customers.

Become A Team Happiness Champion

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You can always gift a CRM to your own team and they will appreciate you for it, for all the previous reasons.

It shows that you have the initiative and innovation required to see a challenge and prescribe the right solution. Repetitive tasks can take a toll on coworkers, and a CRM is the right gift to dissipate the stress of repetition.

Do you have a CRM that keeps you organised?

The most user-friendly CRM on the market. 14-day free trial.

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Also, a CRM can be just the perfect gift to reflect your appreciation for your team’s professional ethics. What can be a better gift for a professional than an app that makes efficient workflows smoother and available for the rest of the office to appreciate?

At Teamgate, we care deeply about customers, relationships and productivity. Teamgate is intuitive and efficient enough to be the perfect CRM gift either for your team or your business-owning friends.

Don’t take our word for it! Try Teamgate for free before you buy the giftwrap.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.