If you are working with large amounts of data, every time you need to find some specific information may become a nightmare, right? Even if you have automated sales processes with the help of a CRM, sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information. Luckily, Teamgate CRM has powerful filtering and sorting features, which help to keep everything well-organized and improve your productivity.Â
Complete Filtering
Basically, you can quickly filter every available list, including leads, contacts, companies, deals, and files. Items in each of the lists can be filtered by predefined and custom fields. Let’s say you need to see a list of every single lead from a specific country; you can do it in just a few clicks by either selecting the country or typing it in. Likewise, you can easily get a list of all won or lost deals, new leads, and much more.
For your convenience, you can choose which of the custom fields should be added to the list of filters. It is easy to adjust filters considering your business needs. Moreover, not only ‘Standard text’ but also ‘Multi-select’ custom fields can be filtered.Â
Clean Filtering
Teamgate filtering solution is user-friendly and neat. Even if you use a lot of information fields, you won’t find filters too overwhelming – they can be expanded or collapsed so you can customize viewing options. To improve your experience, we made it possible both select and enter options manually. The latter helps when there are hundreds of options, e.g. zip codes, and it’s simply too time-consuming to scroll down the drop-down list.
Besides, Teamgate supports sorting. This feature may help to see a better overview of your lists. For example, you can sort leads by the lead score, and instantly see the hot leads at the top of your list; or sort your deals by value to see the most valuable ones. It may seem like a very simple feature, but it can help to grow your business.Â
Add Some Extra Value!
If you want to get the most out of Teamgate filtering solution, it’s entirely up to you, because we also support tagging. You can use the keywords of your choice and re-use this data to make filtering more relevant. Teamgate adds some default tags, but you’re free to create as much custom tags as you need. Maybe you want to remember that a lead is a #CEO or #purchased your product, or maybe some contact is #important? You can easily do this! And remember that tagging is also helpful when you use Teamgate Insights.
So, wait no more and try Teamgate CRM yourself!