How can a Fully Integrated CRM improve revenue and profitability?

How can a Fully Integrated CRM improve revenue and profitability?

In this article, you will learn about the importance of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in modern businesses. By integrating CRM into your sales process, you can increase sales, improve customer service, enhance internal communication, gain valuable insights, automate tasks, save costs, modernize the sales process, and boost customer retention. Discover how CRM can revolutionize your sales approach and help you achieve better business results.

Key Takeaways:

  • CRM helps rationalize sales moves by streamlining the sales cycle and improving tracking and follow-up with leads.
  • It enhances customer service by improving communication and optimizing the customer experience.
  • CRM provides valuable insights by centralizing and analyzing data for informed decision-making.
  • Integrating CRM saves costs by streamlining operations and reducing the need for additional resources.
  • CRM modernizes the sales process, increases sales closures, and facilitates upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

CRM has become the heart of any business. The technology platform helps unlock the valuable information from the customer data, so that you could plan the right strategy for targeting the right customer. It gives a 360 degree of the customer data, necessary for all the levels of customer interaction.

For the sales team, it is a boon as it helps in various aspects such as:

How can a Fully Integrated CRM improve revenue and profitability?

The major benefits, are that it empowers to:

  • Increase the number of sales
  • Induces the customers to return
  • Helps to cross-sell and upsell the products 

So how does it do?

    1. Rationalizing each of the sales moves: The biggest challenge which most of the sales representatives face is keeping track of the sales activities and following up with the leads. CRM helps to a great extent in rationalizing each of the sales moves. It streamlines the complete sales cycle so that every team member could reach their target faster. 


    1. Improving customer service: Every organization nowadays put a higher emphasis on customer service.

 If you look after your customers, your customers will look after you!!!!

44% of the businesses are planning to increase the IT budgets in 2020. They are going to spend this, on customer-facing products additionally. Find the below image:

CRMs which are designed to manage customer relationships could also help in other aspects of businesses, such as the productivity of an employee that indirectly impacts customer satisfaction and higher revenue.

    1. Improving internal communication: With the integration of CRM, organizations have better internal communication between all departments. The sharing of customer data between each of the departments becomes a seamless process. It also helps the members to work as a team and optimize the customer experience, termed as one of the major benefits of CRM. 


    1. Reducing the number of lost leads: Many times, the sales teams are too focused on interacting with the customer who has actively engaged with them that they lose track of some high-potential customers, who browsed their website. A good CRM system helps in collecting all the information which the sales team missed out, to plan the next strategy for increasing the customer base.


    1. Gaining valuable insights: As the CRM stores the complete information in a single centralized location, it is easier for analyzing the performance as a whole. You could gain access to the information whenever you like, and analyze it further to gain valuable insights.


    1. CRM with automation: When CRM is combined with automation, it helps in providing targeted and interactive email campaigns. Marketing automation is known to make use of email marketing campaigns and web forms to drive the process in the right direction. On the floor, these two tools complement each other and generate good business results. 

The CRM automation facilitates in automating repetitive and manual tasks for improving productivity and streamlining the work. Automation helps to encompass a range of different functions such as service, marketing, and sales activities.

    1. Saving the investment: Integrating CRM in the company’s process is not cheap, but it could help you save money in the long-run. As CRM helps to streamline, organize, and automate day-to-day business operations, it saves you from investing money on more resources. 


  1. Modernizing the sales process of the organization: A CRM software helps to automate the sales process of the organization. As acknowledged, technology facilitates the right modernization and has a greater role in generating good revenue for the organization. So, when a CRM is completely integrated into the process of the organization, it streamlines the entire sales cycle, further, resulting in closing a higher number of sales deals. 
  2. Helping to upsell: A fully functional CRM also helps the sales team to upsell the products to the existing customer. For example, when a customer buys a new shoe, a sales representative might ask whether he needs the branded one. If the customer says “yes,” then this is the right upsell at the right time. 
  3.  Upsell could be easily achieved through the CRM as it helps to keep track of the entire sale process and identifying the timely sales opportunity.How can a Fully Integrated CRM improve revenue and profitability?

    As a sales representative, you could also efficiently carry out the cross-selling process by selling them additional products.

  4. Improving customer retention: Increasing the customer retention rate by 5% increases the profit by 25% to 95%.
  5. CRM helps to retain customers as the sales team would have complete information on all the potential customers who reached out to them. Visibility across all the relationships could help the teams proactively address the risk accounts and satisfy the new customers with the best opportunities at the right time. 
  6.  Helping to sell faster: The manual entry which many of the representatives do in small businesses kills the productivity of the sales team. The job of any salesperson is to generate revenue by speaking to the customer. So, if they do not get the time to do the real job, then the organization could see a drastic decrease in revenue, sales, and profit.

CRM is a savior in such instances and removes the job of repetitive and manual tasks. A standardized sales process gives the team a well-planned roadmap for closing more sales deals and reducing the length of the sales cycle. With this, you can accurately predict the sales and improve the sales methods for implementation. The sales team can now entirely focus on interacting with customers.

The Power of a Fully Integrated CRM for Organizations

A fully integrated CRM is the way to go for many organizations. Many small businesses do not have a distinct and dedicated sales team. Without a fully integrated CRM, most of the leads do not get converted into sales.

The CRM system helps employees to increase revenue by streamlining the entire process. When you have a systematic and steady flow of information, it becomes easier to contact the potential customer at the right time, to get them converted and improve the business results of the organization. 


FAQs: Fully integrated CRM

Q: What does it mean for a CRM to be fully integrated?

A: A fully integrated CRM refers to a CRM system that seamlessly connects and syncs with other key systems and tools used within an organization, such as marketing automation, customer support, and sales analytics. It allows for the sharing of data and information across departments, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions and enabling efficient collaboration.


Q: What are the benefits of using a fully integrated CRM?

A: The benefits of using a fully integrated CRM are numerous. Some key advantages include:

  • Streamlined operations: Integration eliminates the need for manual data entry and enables automated processes, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Integrated systems provide a holistic view of customers, enabling personalized and consistent interactions across multiple touchpoints.
  • Improved decision-making: Access to comprehensive data from integrated systems allows for better analysis, reporting, and informed decision-making.
  • Increased productivity: Integration eliminates silos and enables seamless information flow, improving team collaboration and productivity.
  • Scalability and growth: A fully integrated CRM supports business growth by adapting to changing needs, integrating with new tools, and accommodating increased data volumes.


Q: Can a fully integrated CRM be customized to fit specific business requirements?

A: Yes, a fully integrated CRM can be customized to align with specific business requirements. Organizations can configure the CRM system to match their unique workflows, data fields, reporting metrics, and automation rules. Customization ensures that the CRM solution supports the specific needs and processes of the business, maximizing its effectiveness and usability.


Q: Does implementing a fully integrated CRM require technical expertise?

A: While technical expertise can be helpful during the implementation process, many CRM providers offer user-friendly interfaces and guided setup to make the process accessible to non-technical users. Additionally, CRM vendors often provide customer support and training resources to assist with the initial setup and ongoing maintenance of the fully integrated CRM.


Q: Can a fully integrated CRM work with existing systems and tools in my organization?

A: Yes, a fully integrated CRM is designed to work seamlessly with existing systems and tools in an organization. Through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and integrations, the CRM can connect with other software, such as email marketing platforms, customer support systems, accounting software, and more. This integration allows for data synchronization and a unified view of customer interactions across different platforms.

Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan, a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience, currently working as Media Relations Manager at InfoClutch Inc, which offers most sought after technology database & technographic data with other services like data licensing, data appending, etc. Have expertise in setting up the lead flow for budding startups and takes it to the next level. Have a deep interest in CX, SEM & Social Media related discussions. Always open for new ideas & discussions.