Making the Most of CRM With Proven Tactics From These 3 Case Studies

When you first learn to drive a car, the first thing to do is to watch someone else. Only then can you be sure of yourself when it comes time to get behind the wheel. CRM is the same. We can learn what we need to get started by simply observing. We have take a look at three major case studies, published this year, and extracted what we think could benefit you the most. Here’s what we found, from a hotel chain, a bank, and retail outlets across the globe. What you will learn can be applied to any industry.

UK Chain Hotel Reveals the Impact of Organizational Culture on CRM

The Department of Marketing, Innovation, Leisure and Enterprise at the University of Wolverhampton administered a survey of 346 managers from a hotel chain in the UK to find the impact of organizational culture on implementing CRM in the hotel industry. What they found was that adaptability, consistency, staff involvement, and mission play a significantly positive role on the implementation of CRM. Success, although it correlates strongly with each of the above factors, does not depend on all of them. This is useful for every strategist.

Here’s how you can apply the findings to your planning:

  • Adaptability – All CRM strategies should include room for growth and transformation. When you can, write and create a calendar for analysis and changes directly into your plan. This ensures that you have a flexible plan that will evolve with your consumers and your brand.
  • Consistency – Across all platforms, your tactics should be consistent. This means that the sales team, customer service, and anyone else who will be in communication with customers (even offline), should have the same methods of resolving issues and helping people. By making sure that you brief everyone in your organization of your service guidelines, you create consistency across the board.
  • Staff Involvement – Who better to help create a CRM plan than the staff that is regularly in communication with clients and customers? When you are ready to start strategizing, involve everyone in your collaboration. If you have a large organization, it can be a good idea to create a survey asking pertinent questions about how to approach topics. Include a place in the survey for additional suggestions, as you never know what you could be overlooking. Not only will you be able to cover all of your bases, but your staff will be happy to feel involved.
  • Mission – When setting your CRM mission, keep in mind company goals as well as smaller “department level” sales goals. When an objective is present, you can measure success and make changes to a plan as needed.

If you’re able to implement at least one of the actions above, you know that you are on the right track. If you can integrate all of them, you are on your way to superstar growth. Your company will reap great benefits.

Can You Render Better Services to Customers by Reaching Out Like This Bank?

SBI is the largest bank in India. They are applying CRM technology to bring banks and customers together into immediate and close relationships. A case study conducted by Rayalaseema University and ICBM, shows that the SBI treats their customer relations as more than technology, and more of an attitude and concentrated behavior. By reaching out to all bank members and other consumers, not just those with the most return on investment, this bank has seen large, measurable growth in their income as well as membership numbers. They used the word “democracy” to describe their set of tactics.

You can follow their lead by making sure that your strategy includes and is influenced by all consumers – both hot and cold leads, those who have purchased your products and services as well as those who haven’t yet. Facilitating a unified relationship between members of an organization and consumers one of the most highly beneficial assets that technology can bring. In this way, your CRM tactics will enhance your brand image and make your company approachable and enjoyable to be a part of.

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This is How to Use CRM to Boost Sales, According to Retail Outlet Data

The Department. of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology took a look at selected organized retail outlets in order to comprehend multiple facets of the CRM frameworks utilized. They found that many of the companies were not leaving their customers with the level of satisfaction that they expected (You didn’t expect that, did you?). These particular stores were not utilizing their technology to it’s full advantage. So, the study included a list of suggestions, based on the information that they had gathered from the outlets.

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The suggestions included items such as responding quickly to clients’ grumblings and maintaining adequate information on hand about available inventory. Here’s what you can learn from this: Don’t wait for a specialist to analyze your customer data. With modern technology, you have access to complaints at your fingertips. Keep an eye on your customer data in your analytics dashboard and take note of any and all issues that arise. If a hurdle or dissatisfaction comes up more than once, that is an indicator that it’s time for you to implement changes in the way you approach the relationships your have with your customers.

Related: 4 Ways CRM Makes Small Business Employees More Productive and An Extensive Sales Stack for Current Business

In Conclusion

The fact that you have access CRM technology is not an isolated indicator that you are going to have improve relationships with your customers and target market; you must leverage the tools in a strategic way. Use CRM platforms in a way that shows what you’re learning from the successes and mistakes of yourself and others. Start applying what you’ve learned today for increased sales success. 

Related: 6 Sure and Simple Ways to Internationalize Your Business


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.