Teamgate Release Notes: December 2023

What’s New on Teamgate: December 2023

Key Feature Releases:

TGD-1093: Workflow Automation

  • Summary: Workflows will enable Teamgate users to build efficiency through creating automated actions when specific triggers are met.
  • BETA Release Date: 18 December 2023 (Enterprise users only)
  • Wider Release Date: 01 January 2023 (Teams and Growth users, per our new subscription plans).
  • Support Documentation
  • Video Walk-through
  • Customer Feedback Form
screenshot of teamgate workflow automations
Workflows Sneak Peak

Features Coming Soon:

TGD-1133: Webform Snippet

  • Summary: Our new Webform Snippet feature will allow create custom lead generation forms with additional security ad-ons through our partner RingCaptcha. Once finalised the code snippet for the form can be copied and pasted directly into the users website. Form submissions from your website will now automatically generate new leads within your Teamgate account.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: January 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

TGD-1135: Increased List View Visibility

  • Summary: Customers can now select to view more than 25 leads at a time in leads/companies/people list views. Select from a dropdown of multiple options to view up to 250 leads/companies/people at a time.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: January 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

TGD-1140: Custom Fields Mapping Improvements

  • Summary: Teamgate users will be able to create custom fields ONCE and deploy the custom field to multiple areas utilizing a check box. This functionality will also auto-map the fields between the areas selected (leads, people, deals etc).
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: January 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

TGD-1142: Increased Permission Options

  • Summary: Admin users of Teamgate can now select from different permission options to allow/deny users the ability to edit and create deals.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: January 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

Planned Development Projects:

The below features are in initial planning stages and will be updated as they are closer to release.

  • TGD- 1134: Automate Invoices via Quickbooks/Xero upon “Deal Won” in Teamgate
  • TGD-1150: LinkedIn shuttle improvements
  • TGD-11xx: Teamgate Mobile App
  • TGD-11xx: Send Invoices via Teamgate Bills Module
  • TGD-11xx: Create Teamgate leads from Gmail/Outlook
  • TGD-11xx: Lead Enrichment via Clearbit, Baremetrics and more.
  • TGD-11xx: Sales Insights Improvements (to include Teams metrics, Averages and Totals)
  • TGD-11xx: Deal Importing
  • TGD-11xx: Email Template Improvements (unsubscribe button, easier image embedding)

feature request banner

Bug Fixes:

The following bug fixes will be released by 01 January 2024:

  • TGD-1048: Associated Contacts not visable after people deletion
  • TGD-1065: Deals on deals module doesn’t stay at pre set order
  • TGD-1098: Inconsistent Search Results
  • TGD-1103: Secret Content Functionality Permissions
  • TGD-1117: Google Drive Regular Disconnection
  • TGD-1119: “My Deals” Visibility Erro
  • TGD-1122: Plan Features not updated upon customer downgrading
  • TGD-1123: Broken DemoData on new account creation
  • TGD-1141: Google Calendar Two-way Sync
  • TGD-1147: Dashboard Filter Error

Thanks for reading this December’s updates for Teamgate CRM.

If you wish to speak with our team, reach out at anytime by contacting [email protected]

Andrew Martin