Tag - crm

How can intelligent CRM software help sales bosses compete like top FIFA World Cup managers? Read on, it’s easier than you might have thought. Welcome to ‘The Beautiful Game’ Remember that Maradona goal? No, not the ‘Hand of God’, the other one...

Sales movement

Smart lead qualification and scoring within your CRM allows your sales team to spend more of their valuable time focused on leads which are more likely to convert to deals. What is a qualified lead? A qualified lead – or marketing qualified...

Sales CRM Adoption and Implementation | Teamgate Sales CRM

Onboarding a new sales CRM can be a daunting task, but with the Teamgate experience it doesn’t have to be How do you choose your CRM software? There are a variety of single reasons why companies decide they may require the use of sales CRM software...

sales pipeline management

Think of your new sales pipeline as a map, complete with well-considered stages, and you won’t go wrong.  Mapping the route A sales pipeline can be imagined as being a road journey from one fixed point to another. On the road you must pass through a...

sales pipeline being built in stages

Sales pipelines can be tricky to design and implement, but with a smart CRM system your sales stages become clear and self-explanatory.  What is a sales pipeline and why do you need one? In the past salespeople were regarded as being preeminent note...

According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report, more than 70% of sales professionals questioned said that closing more sales is their top priority for 2018. It appears that everyone wants to know how to increase sales. No surprises there, right...

Visi žino, kam darbo vietoje naudojamos naršyklės, teksto redagavimo įrankiai, elektroninis paštas ar susirašinėjimo programėlės. Galbūt kažkada viso to ir atrodė šiek tiek per daug, ar net dabar yra bumbančių „man viso to nereikia“, tačiau...