Tag - crm

Glasses and a book

GetApp has published quarterly CRM industry trends report for Q1 2016. The Report is part of GetApp’s quarterly product ranking, GetRank, where Teamgate was announced as CRM #2 of the top 25 CRM apps based in the cloud.   The report...

Being the customer of a business using CRM is a rewarding experience. Leads are well nurtured, the business knows its customers well, targeted marketing campaigns are customer-centric and each deal is closely followed to fruition through each step...

Atsakymas į šio įrašo pavadinime užduotą klausimą yra ganėtinai paprastas – savo CRM nesidžiaugia tos organizacijos, kurios pasirinko netinkamą sprendimą. Dažnai, nesuderinamą su kita naudojama programine įranga, galbūt pernelyg sudėtingą,  su...