Teamgate Receives A Very Positive Review From CompareCamp

The larger your customer base becomes, the more imperative it is to purchase a quality contact management solution, and that’s something we at Teamgate know from personal experience. While planning our product, we considered the need to entrust our relationship management to a system that can genuinely reveal trends and measure conversions. As it turns out, we successfully addressed and solved some of the biggest performance bottlenecks of many small and medium businesses. 

For a few years already, Teamgate has been the preferred relationship and contact manager of leading service providers, often described as one of the top solutions of this type.

Recently we received the great news that our product has been featured in a very positive review by CompareCamp, a popular site focused on reviews of B2B and SaaS software. In our Teamgate review readers can find a detailed and very technical look at our product and maybe get inspired to try it themselves. 

The Review

CompareCamp’s B2B experts introduce our product as a top rated sales & contact management system that helps increase deals and conversions, but first and foremost manages corporate data to identify trends and opportunities. Most of the review is devoted to the Teamgate benefits, such as the opportunity to generate clear insights, organize and filter partners and contacts, and generate smart reports based on leads’ performance and forecast pipelines. What the review team seems to be really fond of is our product’s devotion to effective collaboration, which according to them, is not found too often in the CRM software market.


Teamgate Dashboard Preview

Related: Again, Teamgate is a Category Leader on Top 25 CRM Apps Chart by GetApp

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Reviewers then proceed to discussing the most valuable and unique features Teamgate has to offer, referring in particular to Sales pipeline tracking, Goals & Quotas, Timetable Storage, and Individual Customer Cards. In the same review, users can familiarize with a wide range of integrations offered by Teamgate as well as read the technical and accessibility specs to confirm if our product can indeed respond to their needs.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.