Teamgate Release Notes: H1 2024

What’s New on Teamgate: H1 2024

Key Feature Releases:

LinkedIn Integration Updates

  • Summary: Improvements between Teamgate and LinkedIn, allowing customers to add leads/people from LinkedIn directly to Teamgate with additional information. Integration improvements will also include the addition of the LinkedIn shuttle successfully working within the LinkedIn Sales Navigator environment/interface.
  • Download the Chrome extension here.
  • Video walk-through

Leads Statistics added to Sales Funnel Report

  • Summary: Added to our favourite funnel reports, now view how your leads flow into each deal stage and through to won or lost. Segment by lead status, tags and more.

funnel report

Exclusion Filters

  • Summary: Now segment leads, contacts and more with exclusion filters. Simply select the filter’s you wish to exclude and highlight the check box to remove those leads from your list.
  • Video Walk-through

Custom Fields Mapping

  • Summary: No more repetitive effort! Simply create one custom field, and during creating select where you wish for the field to be created (leads, people, deals etc) and the system will automatically map those fields.
  • Video Walk-through

Feature Releases Coming Soon (H2 2024):

Teamgate Mobile App LITE

  • Summary: Add leads, deals, notes and more to your CRM instance whilst on the go! Our revamped mobile app will be available on iOS and Android for all users.
  • Stage: MVP in progress.
  • Planned Release Date: October 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

Grain <> Teamgate Integration

  • Summary: Integrate Teamgate and Grain to benefit from call summaries and recordings being automatically stored within your prospects lead or contact cards. Say goodbye to manual note-taking forever.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: July 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

Webform Snippets

  • Summary: Our new Webform Snippet feature will allow create custom lead generation forms with additional security ad-ons through our partner RingCaptcha. Once finalised the code snippet for the form can be copied and pasted directly into the users website. Form submissions from your website will now automatically generate new leads within your Teamgate account.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: August 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

Twilio SMS Functionality

  • Summary: Adding to our existing SmartDialler functionality, with be the ability to send and receive SMS from within Teamgate CRM.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: August 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

WhatsApp Business <> Teamgate Integration

  • Summary: Send, receive and sync all WhatsApp business messages within your Teamgate CRM instance.
  • Stage: Final Testing
  • Planned Release Date: September 2024
  • Support Documentation: TBC

Planned Development Projects:

The below features are in initial planning stages and will be updated as they are closer to release.

  • TGD- 1134: Accounting Integration Improvements (Quickbooks/Xero/Bills Module)
  • TGD-1152: Create Teamgate leads from Gmail/Outlook
  • TGD-1178: Teamgate x Google Ads integration
  • TGD-1183: Email Template Improvements (unsubscribe button)
  • TGD-1185: Deal Importing Tool
  • TGD-11xx: Lead Enrichment via Clearbit, Baremetrics and more.
  • TGD-11xx: Sales Insights Improvements (to include Teams metrics, Averages and Totals)
  • TGD-11xx: Send Invoices via Teamgate Bills Module

feature request banner

Thanks for reading this edition of Teamgate CRM release notes.

If you wish to speak with our team, reach out at anytime by contacting [email protected]

Andrew Martin