The Digital Future of Sales Management

With the technological tools and advancements revolutionizing every field; the sales domain is no different. The management of sales pipelines and the performance management of sales are just a few examples, not to mention many other spots where the technological advancements are proving to be helpful for the sales management.

The developers keep coming up with the new versions of these technological gadgets as the years pass by, which makes it imperative for the sales people to foresee the future of sales management and plan their strategies accordingly. It is more important than ever before to keep track of these up-gradations and know how they can be fruitful to your sales plans.

The sales automation tools, CRM, and SaaS, have already transformed the sales trends, but the coming years bring a few more robust features to take this convenience to a new level. Let’s see how the digital tools are going to influence the sales process;

Artificial Intelligence

The IT professionals keep bringing the refined and more efficient versions of sales tools and these sales tools have grown so responsive now that you no longer have to indulge yourself in the monotonous process of contacting and emailing the prospects. These tools when used in combination with the databases provide the accurate likelihood of a prospect to buy a product/service or not.

Such sophisticated knowledge will enable the salesmen to provide high-quality services for the prospects who are more likely to buy their product/service. The artificial intelligence will facilitate the application of process like predictive analysis in which the information like demographic and behavioral data will be used to predict the probability of a potential customer to purchase a product or not in the future.

Related: Better Robots, Better Sales: Revolutionizing CRM Software with the Power of AI

Visual Thinking

The term “visual thinking for business” have been discussed by the entrepreneurs and revolutionists for a few years now because of the value and the innovation it depicts. Visual thinking is a way of learning merely by looking at the visuals. Visual thinking has been seriously considered by sales people while devising the sales management plans because the consumers are more attracted towards the visual interpretations than they are towards the plain text.

The leading lights of the sales world predict the incorporation of visual thinking strategies into the development of sales management plans. Creating an influential story by using visuals is not that easy for everyone, but once accomplished, it will prove to be an effective tool to attract more and more customers. In short, you’ll be able to impact your sales positively by using visualizations.teamgate-digital-sales-management-crm (1)

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Smart Contracts

The smart contract facilitates two people to enter into an agreement by signing it cryptographically without the intervention of any third party. It uses bitcoin technology to commence and complete such agreements. The vendor and client can conveniently and independently interact with each other via a smart contract which is fully automated.

The hotshots in the world of business are anticipating an increase in the trend of smart contracts in the future. The smart contracts can help the companies track down all their interactions without dealing with any complicated systems. Although smart contracts are in their developing stages currently, soon they will be developed enough to transform the way organizations make contracts with its clients.

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In a nutshell, these are a few technologies that will be accompanying the sales trends in the future and reduce the dependency on people by introducing more automated systems. What the sales people need to do is to keep an eye on the progress of these technological tools and bring changes in their set-ups, accordingly. Adopting change is the best way to keep pace, after all.

Related: Insights You Gain by Integrating Social Media Management with Your CRM


The leading lights in the sales domain are foreseeing the increase in the use of tools utilizing like artificial intelligence, visual thinking strategies and smart contracts to bring positive changes in the way they deal with prospects.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.