Capterra Ranking: The Most User-Friendly CRM In the Market

Good News! The well-known software marketplace, which helps businesses to find and connect with the best software worldwide has just announced that Teamgate (that’s us) has earned NUMBER 1 spot on the Top 20 Most User-Friendly CRM Software report.

And, it was no fluke.

All of the options are measured by a combination of their usability, customer services offered, and customer reviews.

Here are some of the reasons why Teamgate Sales CRM was voted most user-friendly, here’s just a small piece of our improvements:

  1. Data import. Having your contacts in Teamgate is vital and profitable, so an easy import function is essential. Once you import your initial contact list our system will match the fields in Teamgate automatically, remembering the selections you made in your previous import session.
  2. Custom fields and filters. In Teamgate, you can create your own fields; the ones that work best for you and you. Also, you can customize tags, and even create custom search filters. These features make it so easy to use and adapt Teamgate for your business.
  3. Quick and easy editing. We’ve also developed a new feature which gives you the ability to edit your contact cards more efficiently. Now, you can edit contact information such as phone, email, address, or website data with just a click, there’s no need to modify the entire contact card.
  4. Global search. You can search for Leads, Contacts, Deals, and Files from one search bar. It works even if all you have is an email address or telephone number and you’re not sure whether the person is a Lead or Contact. The choice is all yours.
  5. SmartDialer. What could be better than the ability to call straight from your Sales CRM? This powerful integration lets you call your prospects and clients with just one click. After you end the call you can leave a note and save it to the customer file. This feature is not only easy to use, but it also keeps you organized and saves you plenty of time.

Teamgate’s CEO, Marijus Andrijauskas, shares his views about the importance of usability:

“The terms user-friendly or UX refer to the complete user-experience of design and interaction with a product. It includes the overall experience with which a user is presented as they interact with that product. After Steve Jobs introduced his first-generation iPhone to the world, the manner in how we understand UX has changed completely. Today, after 10 years, users become not only more experienced but more spoiled, in a positive manner. We believe that you can have a really great product, but only great UX design can make your product amazing.”

Katie Connolly of Capterra explains:

Our product report team revisited and updated our Top 20 Most User-Friendly CRM report,” said Katie Connolly of Capterra,  a CRM software reviews company. “Our latest update looks at the same criteria as last year when determining the ease of use of each CRM product. Teamgate almost doubled their number of user reviews on Capterra and after testing the product again for the second time, it was clear that Teamgate should be listed as the most user-friendly CRM software for the second year in a row.

The Ranking

The top 20 most user-friendly CRM Software

The Ranking Methodology Guide

Capterra tested these tasks:

  1. Create a lead
  2. Add a task
  3. Add interaction/note
  4. Set reminder to follow up
  5. Change lead status to “qualified”
  6. Attach a document
  7. Generate a report

*These 7 common tasks were the criteria for usability testing.

Also,  usability, customer service, and reviews were measured.


  • Task completion time
  • Clicks to complete task
  • System Usability Score (SUS)*

*SUS – a questionnaire that measures perceived ease of use.

Customer service:

  • Implementation (configuration options offered)
  • Training (resources offered)
  • Support (services offered)


  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Service


For a full report on Capterra, click here.


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.