The ultimate guide to customer engagement in 2020

The ultimate guide to customer engagement

In today’s digital world, now it truly means to say that ‘Customer is the King’. Consumers to have access to vast information with easy internet availability. Customer satisfaction is no longer a traditional word to be used to measure happiness. It is now have become the real deal when it comes to revenues of any sustainability of the business.

There are tons of tactics that a company can try to keep up with customer’s expectations. In this blog, we are going to learn about lessons learned from 2019 to be implemented in 2020 for better customer engagement.

NPS– NPS is known as the ‘Net Promoter Score’. This score is very essential to measure and monitor consistently. Investors have started looking at NPS scores of a product or service very seriously. NPS is the latest way to measure customer happiness index. This has become important as this methodology has the ability to gather feedback about a product or a service from time to time.

How does it work? It works on very simple math. Let’s look at it with a simple example. Say you have 100 customers and have you have asked them to rate your product on the scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best. The customers will also have an option to write a personalized message if they rate lower than the expected threshold. In this case, let’s take the threshold at 7. Basically, anyone rating the product 7 or below 7 will have to write the reason for the low rating. Depending on their ratings they will be called detractors and promoters. Click here to read about how NPS is calculated in detail. 

Upgrade offers- You can find many cold calling tips for sales but it equally important to keep the customer engaged by providing him various offers to upgrade. Generally, the customer wants to first try the product and then based on experience, they may want to upgrade or downgrade. There are multiple ways to pitch the customer for the upgrade but the best way is to get a local phone number and call them. 

Talking to the customer is by far the best way possible to increase customer engagement. This gives the company and the customer an opportunity to share meaningful information from each other.

Survey- It is observed that 76% of the customers switch the service provider just because no one asked them about their experience of using the service. Due to cut-throat competition in the market in almost every industry, there are companies that offer lucrative offers and discounts to cross-sell. It won’t come as a surprise the customer leaves you in a very short period of time. 

Every business must get a virtual phone number in their customer service department and start calling the customers to gather feedback. You can ask only 2 simple questions. Are you happy using the XYZ product? and Would you recommend XYZ to your friends? Upon making 100 calls you will get mind-boggling results.

The ultimate guide to customer engagement in 2020

Newsletter- It is extremely important to make your customers feel part of the company’s growth. It will add tremendous value for retention and reference. Every company must send at least one newsletter, either a hardcopy or softcopy. The newsletter generally, includes customer experiences, new releases, industry news, employee blogs, etc.

Newsletters provide the best return on investment in a short period of time. It is a must adopt a customer engagement tool.

Notifications- If you are in the software business or you have a website to display your product or service. Then, you must send web notifications to customers to promote your product or service with the best discounts and deals. It will provoke the consumer to upgrade or refer. You can also use pop-ups, push notifications using push APIs in the case of Android and iOS apps.

In fact, it has become very popular to send personalized notifications to the customer directly on their birthday and anniversary. Sending out SMS or email is also one form of notification. This basically means that you should know everything about your customers and delight them with various notifications to keep your brand on their tongue at all times.

Notification increases the visibility of your brand and offers by at least 20% then average. It is one of the most used tools in 2019 and will be more popular in 2020.

The ultimate guide to customer engagement in 2020

Conclusion- Customer engagement is a vital factor in the success of any product or service-oriented business. You may have the best sales automation in place however, it is equally important to keep the customer engaged throughout the journey. All of the above tools and methodologies will help your business grow at a faster speed. Moreover, it will help you analyze your own challenges and struggles that you should work on.

Launching a business is easy, marketing is tough, selling is tougher and retaining is even harder than selling. Therefore, customer engagement becomes a very important practice in the business for consistent grown and sustainability. 

Samantha Roberson