Top 6 SaaS Sales Metrics to Track Now

Keeping your edge in the world of SaaS is all about understanding the numbers that truly matter. Let’s face it, numbers tell the real story. By tracking the right SaaS sales metrics, you get a close-up view of what your sales process is nailing, where it could use a boost, and the overall health of your business. 

This article dives into the essential SaaS sales metrics, and how they can inform robust sales strategies. The following metrics are the cheat codes to navigating the SaaS game:


  1. Why You Need to Track Sales Metrics
  2. Metrics Every SaaS Business Needs to Track
    1. Average Deal Size
    2. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
    3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
    4. Churn
    5. Conversion Rates
    6. Win Rate
  3. Metrics You Shouldn’t Track
  4. Using a CRM to Track Metrics
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs: Tracking Sales Metrics

Why You Need to Track Sales Metrics

Having worked with over 250 SaaS companies on their business strategies, I’ve come to realize how important tracking the right metrics can be. Everyone knows they should track sales metrics, but not everyone knows why. 

Tracking sales metrics for your SaaS business is indispensable. It aids in sustained success. When you track them properly, sales metrics offer invaluable insights into the health and performance of your sales efforts. They reveal what’s working well and where improvements are needed. 

Performance Evaluation

Tracking SaaS sales metrics is crucial for evaluating the performance of your SaaS business. They provide insights into how well the sales team is performing and whether or not the strategy you have in place is actually working. Analyzing performance metrics help identify strengths and weaknesses, and allow for targeted improvements. 

Revenue Forecasting

By analyzing historical sales data, SaaS businesses can identify trends, patterns, and seasonality that impact revenue. Accurate revenue forecasts are essential for budgeting, financial planning, and making strategic decisions to ensure sustainable growth.

Data-Driven Approach

Adopting a data-drive approach is hugely important when growing a SaaS business. Using real-time data helps make informed decisions and adapt quickly to changing market conditions. Data-driven insights help optimize sales strategies, manage the success of your Go-To-Market strategy, refine targeting approaches, and allow you to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Based on the data, you’ll identify your GTM sales and marketing choke points, diagnose them properly, and iterate on the target market, messaging, and sales activities.

Aligning Sales and Marketing

SaaS sales metrics play a large role in aligning sales and marketing efforts. This alignment ensures that marketing initiatives are targeted towards generating high-value leads, and sales efforts are focused on converting those leads into revenue.

Optimizing Resource Allocation

Understanding which channels, campaigns, and sales reps are most effective helps you allocate your resources more effectively. This leads to a better return on investment (ROI) as resources are directed towards strategies and activities that work and yield the best results.

Metrics Every SaaS Business Needs to Track

The following are the key SaaS sales metrics every sales team and SaaS business needs to track. Tracking these specific metrics will allow you to make informed decisions, optimize sales processes, align strategies with market demand, and build a robust sales pipeline

1. Average Deal Size

Average Deal Size is the average value of deals closed within a specific period. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by the number of deals closed. Tracking this metric provides valuable insights into the financial performance of your SaaS business and the effectiveness of your sales strategy. A rising average deal size indicates your business is successfully securing larger contracts, contributing to increased revenue and profitability. 

This metric is essential for strategic planning, helping you tailor your sales approach and optimize pricing strategies to maximize revenue. When you understand the dynamics of deal sizes, you can refine your product offerings and sales process to attract and close deals with higher financial impact, ultimately driving sustainable growth and success.

2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) measures the cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses. Keeping CAC in check is crucial for ensuring the cost of acquiring customers is sustainable, and does not exceed the revenue generated per customer over time.

3. Lifetime Value (LTV)

Lifetime Value (LTV) represents the total revenue a business can expect from a customer throughout their entire relationship. By comparing LTV to CAC, companies can assess the long-term profitability of their customer base. A high LTV:CAC ratio indicates a healthy and sustainable SaaS business.

4. Conversion Rates

Tracking conversion rates at various stages of the sales funnel helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in the sales process. Improving these conversion rates can lead to increased revenue and more efficient use of resources.

  • Lead to Opportunity
  • Opportunity to Application
  • Application to Customer

5. Win Rate

The win rate stands out as a key indicator of your company’s sales success. This metric represents the percentage of deals or opportunities that your sales team successfully converts into closed deals. Tracking this percentage will help you understand the efficiency of your sales process and help you capitalize on more sales opportunities.

A high win rate indicates a strong sales strategy and effective engagement with potential customers. A lower win rate may signal for areas of improvement in your sales approach. By monitoring this rate over time, you can refine your sales tactics, enhance customer interactions, and ultimately boost overall revenue and success.

6. Pipeline Coverage

Pipeline coverage is one of the most important SaaS sales metrics to track. This metric shows whether your sales pipeline is sufficient enough to consistently meet your revenue goals. It’s the ratio between the total dollar value of your opportunities and your revenue targets. Your sales pipeline coverage quantifies the amount of opportunities that are needed to align with your sales objectives. 

To calculate your pipeline coverage, take your target revenue number and divide it with your current win rate. The number you get is how much pipeline coverage you actually need to meet your revenue goals. Most SaaS businesses fail to realize that you actually need five times pipeline coverage to reach your revenue goals. 

Metrics You Shouldn’t Track

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to what you shouldn’t track. The relevance of metrics may vary based on specific business goals and strategies. However, it is generally advisable to avoid tracking overly granular or irrelevant metrics that don’t contribute to meaningful insights or decision-making.

Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics may look impressive, but they lack actionable insights and don’t contribute directly to your business’ bottom line. These metrics can be misleading and could create a false sense of success. Common examples of vanity metrics include:

  • Number of Leads:
    • While having a high number of leads seems positive, the quality of those leads is more important. Focusing solely on the quantity without considering lead quality can misdirect your sales process.
  • Social Media Engagement:
    • Social media presence is extremely important for brand visibility and building your pipeline, but the number of likes and followers don’t directly translate to revenue. It’s more valuable to track conversions from social media efforts.
  • Email Open Rates
    • While open rates can provide insights, they don’t necessarily indicate the effectiveness of the email driving conversions or revenue. Click-through rates and conversion rates are more meaningful metrics to evaluate.
  • Website Traffic
    • High website traffic is important, but it’s more crucial to analyze the quality of that traffic and the conversion rate into actual sales. Focusing solely on traffic numbers won’t directly reflect the true impact on the business.
  • Demo Requests
    • Demo requests are an essential part of the pipeline. As nice as it may be to track the number of demo requests coming in, the ultimate goal is to convert demos into paying customers. Tracking the conversion rate from demos to sales is much more valuable than counting the number of demo requests.

Using a CRM to Track Metrics

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a game-changer when tracking SaaS sales metrics. CRMs serve as a centralized hub that automatically captures and organizes critical data throughout the sales process. From lead generation to customer retention, these platforms allow SaaS businesses to monitor and analyze key metrics seamlessly.


Tracking the right sales metrics isn’t just a fancy exercise, it’s the secret for a thriving business. SaaS businesses that embrace the numbers thrive in changing markets and are armed with the knowledge to make informed decisions that drive growth.

If you’re serious about enacting your Go-To-Market strategy, supercharging your sales game, and leveling up your overall business strategy, keep a close eye on those metrics. They’re the key to unlocking sustainable growth and staying ahead of the SaaS game.

FAQs: Tracking Sales Metrics

  1. What are the most important sales metrics for SaaS companies?
    Answer: The most important sales metrics for SaaS companies include Average Deal Size, Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Churn Rate, Conversion Rates, and Win Rate. These metrics provide valuable insights into the company’s sales performance and customer behavior.

  2. How does Average Deal Size impact SaaS revenue?
    Answer: Average Deal Size affects SaaS revenue by indicating the average revenue generated per sale. Larger deal sizes typically mean higher revenue, but they may also require more resources and time to close. Balancing deal size with the sales cycle’s efficiency is key for revenue growth.

  3. What is Customer Lifetime Value and why is it crucial for SaaS businesses?
    Answer: Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) represents the total revenue a company expects to earn from a customer over their business relationship. It’s crucial for SaaS businesses as it helps in understanding the long-term value of customers, guiding marketing and sales strategies, and investment decisions.

  4. How can SaaS companies calculate and reduce their Customer Acquisition Cost?
    Answer: SaaS companies calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) by dividing the total costs associated with acquiring new customers (including marketing and sales expenses) by the number of new customers acquired. Reducing CAC can be achieved through more efficient marketing strategies, better targeting, and improving sales processes.

  5. What strategies can be used to minimize churn in a SaaS business model?
    Answer: Strategies to minimize churn include providing excellent customer service, regular engagement with customers, offering personalized experiences, addressing customer issues promptly, and continuously improving the product based on customer feedback.

  6. Why are Conversion Rates important in measuring SaaS business success?
    Answer: Conversion Rates are critical as they indicate the effectiveness of a company’s sales and marketing strategies in turning prospects into paying customers. High conversion rates suggest that the company’s targeting and value proposition are resonating well with its audience.

  7. How does a SaaS company improve its Win Rate?
    Answer: A SaaS company can improve its Win Rate by refining its sales strategies, focusing on high-quality leads, enhancing its value proposition, investing in training for its sales team, and continuously analyzing and learning from both won and lost deals.

  8. What role do sales metrics play in SaaS business growth?
    Answer: Sales metrics play a pivotal role in SaaS business growth as they provide insights into sales performance, customer preferences, and market trends. These metrics help in making informed decisions, strategizing for growth, and identifying areas for improvement.

  9. How often should SaaS companies analyze their sales metrics?
    Answer: SaaS companies should regularly analyze their sales metrics, ideally monthly or quarterly. Frequent analysis allows for timely adjustments in strategies and keeps the company aligned with its sales objectives and market changes.

  10. Can understanding sales metrics help in customer retention for SaaS businesses?
    Answer: Yes, understanding sales metrics can significantly aid in customer retention. Metrics like LTV, churn rate, and customer satisfaction provide insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling companies to tailor their services and retain customers more effectively.

TK Kader

TK was CEO & Founder at ToutApp (backed by a16z, Jackson Square Ventures and prominent angel investors in Silicon Valley). After scaling ToutApp, it was acquired by Marketo where TK went on to join Marketo's executive team and serve as their Senior Vice President of Strategy. After running a 2-year transformation as part of the executive team, Marketo was acquired by Adobe for $4.75bn.

TK now spends his time as a Strategic Advisor to 300+ B2B SaaS Founders globally. As Founder of Unstoppable, he helps Founders grow their startups faster through his weekly Youtube videos and his application-only SaaS Go-To-Market Program.