Red bull rally car

Your Rally Road Book Is Your Sales Forecast

Before every rally competition drivers have a possibility to prepare for it – to write a route book. 

Magical rally process highly depends on how professional are driver’s actions and how well co-driver interprets a road book. In short – driver operates vehicle using co-driver‘s instructions from a road book to reach the goal – team knows, what to expect around the corner. 

Can you win your Dakar on sales? With sales forecast – for sure. 

Forecast? Is it about the weather?

Yes, sometimes it even can be about the weather impact on your business. We are sure, you would like to know what happens to your sales results during a sunny holiday period or a snowy Christmas rush, right? 

Will you be ready for ups and downs? 

“Advanced maths” – you think. 

No, just scientifically tested probabilities and processes. 

Sales Forecasting In Your Sales Race

Sales forecast is more about business planning, definitely not about accounting. Information which you get from sales reports and forecast has to be reasonable, but it doesn’t need to be too much detailed. Forecasting is much easier than you think and much more useful than you imagine. 

Sales forecast will empower you: 

  • To plan your future growths and declines; 
  • To use sale insights for company‘s process management: cash flow, resources/workforce allocation; 
  • To predict revenue; 
  • To prepare for raising capital.

Forecasting of sales is the process of estimating future sales. Precise sales forecasts enable you to make wise business decisions and allow to improve short-term and long-term performance. 

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You can base your forecast on historical sales data, market research information, regional trends, additional personal estimates and even weather forecast! This report allows you to see what your prospective sales are and how they look in comparison to actual sales. 

It still sounds like advanced maths, right? Trying to run a business without a forecast is the same as trying to finish your Dakar without a road book. 

No doubt, that would be much harder. 

Related: How to Stop Being the Second Best in Sales?

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Best practice tools to create right rally road book for your sales – insightful results with right forecast

If you’re still hesitant about forecasting your sales and think that it is not worth investing time to gather information from different reports, we have an excellent solution for you – Teamgate sales forecasting tool. It will empower you to take right insights and actions to reach the goal- finish your sales period successfully.

Teamgate sales forecast reports are based on two types of information: historical sales data and potential planned transactions – sales goals.  It makes sales process simple and understandable. Using sales forecast report in Teamgate CRM you’ll be able to access sales future prospective in a very user-friendly way. 

If you systematically bring together all the sales plans and results using CRM, you will need just a few mouse clicks to prepare your sales forecast for required period, person or product. 

With Teamgate sales forecast you will have visualized „all in one“ diagram: 

  • previous period historical sales results; 
  • planned sales from your pipeline – opportunities; 
  • sales results for current moment; 
  • goal of sales.

Teamgate Sales Pipeline Forecast

Based on historical sales information forecasts show where you will be in end of period, what is very important for sales market insights to ensure your thoughtful actions in critical situations during the period. 

Related: 7 CRM Best Practices for 2017 and 5 Most Important Sales Metrics You Need To Focus On Today

For more information about Sales Forecast solution by Teamgate CRM please check our YouTube channel

Don’t be afraid of sharp turn in your sales rally, be prepared for it. 

You can be like professional rally driver with a perfect route book for navigation, because Teamgate Sales forecast report will empower you to be ready to face up the next month or year decade without big surprises. 

We’re ready to tell you more about Teamgate CRM. If you would like to hear more how this solution can empower you to get a 360 degree view of the whole sales process, please contact us or join  our Facebook page


Abe Dearmer

Abe has a vast experience running multiple SaaS companies and is an expert on all things Sales, Marketing and SEO.